I have been working with the guilty gear wikipedia lately to launch a gg focused website called gear project which has taken up quite a bit of time for me as it is very much a mobile compatible site but with more complex website elements than my site here which had made is a very large pain, but now it is up and working fully which is quite wonderful, I will always be doing monthly updates here though, if I don't update something has happened to me. Though I am updating late due to medical complications I am still very much kicking!
I am aware the new owner of neocities sucks, but I also do not know where else to go and transfering the ammount of posts and pages I have is a complex manner in which I am not sure if I should attempt approach especially because I have so much staked into here already. I quite like it here and reformating the pages into non neocities form is not something I am fully up for the task yet, nor can I afford to move to a paid service I am not in the greatest financial position and am trying to figure out my best course of action as I have always been in a strange situation while I should be stable enough for the next 6-8 months at best I do need to find a long term solution. I am disabled making finding work and keeping a job difficult and I would really liked to continue archival efforts full time but I truly have no clue if it will be possible. Sorry for kind of a downer update section but it is pretty important while I am very much glad to have archived frankly over 20 hours of guilty gear footage over the last 6 months having the only easily accessible tournament archive of early comp play I unfortunately do still have to pay bills, though I have finally gotten a secure place to live so no more moving.