Long time no see again, still same old still trying my best but this time with more tape news! I imported 26 Lupin III part 2 tapes printed in 2000 these piqued my interest for a variety of reasons they're offical VAP tapes but they have the Part 3 DVD cover marketting and theres occurances of Part 1 and Part 3 tapes like these its very very interesting. ^^

Part 1 and 2 tapes from this 1999-2000 era are 150 minutes and have 6 episodes on them per tape! wowie thats a shit ton of content. part 3 is actually like the odd child (unsurprisingly) in this era of tapes where it is only 114 minutes 5 episodes and opening/endings are cut down. Part 3 also lacks consistent casing. I dont know why and will figure out why eventually its just I'm fighting god everytime I find a new Lupin tape official or fansubbed really.
Frankly these tapes aren't well documented but we can fuck around on the archived VAP snapshots albiet it still doesnt give many answers of anything in the matter. These tapes genuinely make me question the full extent of Lupin III VHS releases as the only collective source is the Lupin III wikipedia but alot of it has no mention of the Part 3 2000s tapes or really there's not much of anything about the part 2 tapes past release info. it's not surprising though I am kind of used to being in the mines on this one.
whats interesting about the 1999-2000 era tapes is that these are used as Part 3's DVD covers, though this does not compare consistent to Part 1 & 2 which implies they just reused this Part 1-3 Case style to just have something to put on there. I have a feeling these style tapes were intended to be released around the same time/together as a rerelease of the VHS tapes with cohesive covers, while the cover art is cohesively random cels from Lupin its case plastic varies from white to black or sometimes even translucent tops. its bad chat. its bad.
While I cannot explain the inconsistencies I hope this is a nice view into these tapes in particular. I hope you guys enjoyed this mini retrospective/talk into these tapes today. I do plan on doing a year's larger retrospective moving forward specifically geared towards Lupin III and maybe divided up by official to non official releases but I'm not entirely soon I will likely do a breakdown on also my misprint tape and maybe a few more things if I manage to win enough auctions. Honestly the last 8 months have given me alot to cover and alot still to answer its very interesting and I thank you whoever reads. I may not be this active this december much either I am once again having company and I'm still mid move so I am still very very busy rn but I will always keep updating here.

Keep circulating the tapes out there!