story behind my current situation is going to be a weird one. I aqquired a huge lot of VHS tapes when it comes to TOS and TNG and DS9 and how people store some of these tapes have not been kind I currently store my tapes in a dry well lit area actually most of my tape collection is in display in my bedroom. Currently since I am unsure of where I will be living I have been catalogging most of my VHS tapes in detail.

bad news is. that some of these tapes have mold that likely happened before I obtained them and snuck in because I usually aquire star trek tapes en mass around 20-40 VHS tapes at a time

About half of my ds9 tapes have mold. 1 voyager tape has mold. 2 TOS tapes have mold and 4 TNG tapes have mold. this really sucks as it means I no longer have complete collectors editions of these tapes. but I will recover in time and I do think given the range of tapes here I have no worries about recompleting my TNG and TOS collections even if it does really suck right now. its kind of my own fault for not checking these tapes as I have honestly sorted through so many.

(the graveyard of biohazards)

on better news I have obtained 3 Lupin fansub VHS! shout out to senshi fansubs tbh working with them was great and I really appreciated their time. I now have Lupin III secret files, dead or alive and dragon of doom! and will be adding them to my collection list soon which is honestly a nice comfort given by how my week is going